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Motherhood for all Women


A mother’s love is uniquely special—warm, nurturing, sacrificial. God created women with exclusive abilities to care for those under their charge. Certainly a woman is distinctly designed to provide nurture and training for her children, but that ability to nurture and train stretches beyond the scope of biological children. Motherhood is something all women are called to in some fashion.

Titus 2 invites and admonishes older women to teach the younger women. The passage includes no exceptions and no specific age limits. It includes only instruction on what women are to be teaching. We ought to be allowing women more advanced in years and experience to pour their wisdom into our hearts while at the same time pouring our own experience and biblical wisdom into women younger than ourselves. What a beautiful calling, as well as motivation to be walking with God and regularly committed to the study of His Word, so that we are equipped with tools to disciple the next generation.

The primary objective for motherhood is to raise children that delight to obey God and are useful to Him. I think that objective certainly applies to spiritual motherhood as well. With so high a calling in mind, we ought first to be delighting to obey God ourselves and searching His Word regularly to know Him better. Nothing compares to the joy of motherhood—in all respects of that responsibility.

I wonder, are you honoring the women in your life that have lovingly and sacrificially taken on the role of spiritual mother? Are you pursuing and embracing spiritual motherhood yourself? Let’s not neglect our responsibility to learn from older women, and to teach and set an example for younger women.



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