Following our previous two posts about the Bible study we did together, we thought we would take the time to describe some of the tools we personally use to help us have a productive study time. We preface these by saying, God’s Word is infallible and able to stand alone. It does not require assistance in any way. But we are human, and our flesh can often get in the way of understanding God’s Word. These are the tools we found that help us the most. We hope these encourage you to consider how you could improve your time with the Lord.
Danae’s Favorites:
Colored pens – nothing ground-breaking to say about my use of vari-colored pens, they just excite me and make everything pretty. I’m sure you were hoping for an explanation of my systematic use for the different colors, but I have none. As of yet.
Small 3-ring binder – the ability to add/remove sheets from my journal, as well as categorize all of my journals in one place is worth its weight in gold. I understand now why my Mom used one for the entire time that I was growing up. I keep my prayer journal, goals journal, quiet time journal, and Bible memory journal in my 3-ring binder.
Comparative Study Bible – I have found great value in being able to study passages across several Bible translations all in one place.
3x5 cards – I am regularly coming across Bible verses that I want to commit to memory, so I keep notecard readily available so that I can add to my Scripture memory stack as needed and desired.
Tea – almost never sit down to study the Bible without a cup of tea. Again, no philosophical or systematic reason for this, but it deserved a mention in this list because it daily accompanies my quiet time.
Dwell App – This app offers too many features for me to list, so I will give you the two that I utilize the most. Every morning while I work out, I use the Dwell app to do my Bible reading, because I can both read and listen to the passage (I need both features to best keep my mind engaged). The Dwell App sets up my plan that accomplishes the goal I desire, and then gives me the passage to listen to each day. My children love to listen to different playlists in the evenings while they eat their bedtime snack. A couple of their favorites are the Sleep Stories playlists and the Sleep to Wisdom playlist.
Bible Knowledge Commentary – I love a good commentary to aid in my Bible study, once I’ve studied a passage on my own. This one is at the top of my list, but there are a couple others that I refer to from time to time.
Darcy’s Favorites:
ESV Illuminated Scripture Journal - I can’t recall just how I discovered these gems, but each day I am so glad I did! I never used to write in my Bible for many reasons (or should I say excuses). One being the lack of room on the page. I’ve never been concise with my note-taking. This series separates into one book (sometimes two) of the Bible and every other page is completely blank. My note taking problems: solved! I have plenty of room to analyze, process, and analyze some more—with plenty of room for comments made by others too. (You can purchase them on Amazon as a set or individually)
Wide-Margin Bible - I found that even with all the space in the Illuminated Scripture Journal, I still wanted to jot down a prevailing thought without it getting lost in the mountain of scribbles. So, I found that I love having a wide-margined Bible. I jot down the specific verses I reference, and then a note or two alongside. It’s handy to have a little reminder of what God taught me in that passage. Sometimes, its fun to realize the complexity of God’s Word when you learn something additional to what you’ve already found.
Small-tip pens - Yet another note-taking help. With the amount of notes I like to take, I’ve discovered just how much a small tip can help. I can write more in one small space with it still being legible! And writing between the lines of scripture has never been easier! I currently use a .38mm ball pen.
Dwell App - I unashamedly found this app through a facebook advertisement. And I fell in love with it the first time I used it! I have always preferred listening to the Bible as I read it—it helps to push the distractions out of my mind. This app includes soft ambient music behind the narration, which further helps with concentration. And it’s a great way to calm an anxious spirit!
Bible app with multiple versions - Not being a Greek or Hebrew scholar, it’s difficult to verify that the word used in one translation accurately conveys the meaning of the original text. So having a Bible app that allows me to seamlessly switch between credible Bible translations has been a huge help.
Coffee - Having something to sip helps keep my focus. It’s a mindless activity so it doesn’t distract me from my Bible study. Not only does the caffeine keep me alert, but also holding the cup in my hand keeps them occupied and not a distraction.