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Valentine’s Day for the NonValentined

Writer: DarcyDarcy

Growing up, Valentine’s Day was good for one thing and one thing only—getting all the candy my mother deemed unnecessary to purchase on a regular basis. Fun Dip, conversation hearts, Pixie sticks.

Then there was this awkward period of life when Valentine’s Day started to mean more than the friendly exchange of candy and punched-out valentines. And so the celebration slowly ceased.

My college years brought about a new way of celebrating this holiday. The university put on a special event in honor of romance. Boys would ask girls to be their dates, then dress all fancy and get a picture taken together. I unfortunately was part of a group which specifically said to each other, “If someone asks me out that I don’t want to go with, you’ll be my excuse!” Thus my fate was sealed that I would never get asked to said event.

And that’s when the seed of resentment began to take root. Each year that followed, I struggled with the same disgust for Valentine’s Day. Facebook would fill with everyone touting their beloved’s accomplishments and how much they were loved. And I would sit and stew as I read through innumerable valentine sentiments while thinking, “I’m so unlovable, I don’t even have a valentine to post about.”

I laugh at myself now! How ridiculous of me! I wasted years feeling jilted that I couldn’t celebrate the holiday. How completely childish I was to get so bent out of shape because I placed my ultimate satisfaction in the gift rather than the Giver. I failed to see that my God has given me much more than I deserve. I have His love and that far surpasses all other love I could receive from another human. And when I should have been rejoicing in the love I already have from my Heavenly Father, I complained about my perceived lack.

So this year, I decided it was about time I grow up and celebrate Valentine’s Day. Sure, I don’t have my own valentine, but I have plenty of dear friends that do. I chose to celebrate them, the relationships God has given each of them, and how God is working through those relationships to mold them into Christlikeness. I didn’t do much—just sent them a dinner/coffee date on my dime. But it made a world of difference to me.

This Valentine’s Day was the best I’ve had in a long while, because God taught me to rejoice with those who have reason to rejoice and to be aware of the many good gifts He has already given me.



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