Rain. It was a source of joy for us as children because it meant one thing—tire swing soup. The water would collect in our tire swing, and we ourselves would collect wild flowers, stones, weeds, grass, and dirt; and with a long stick serving as a spoon, mix it all together to make our very own tire swing soup.

Don’t worry, we never ate it.
We are years passed those days, but we sometimes feel like we daily make tire swing soup. Certainly, we don’t go foraging through our backyards for ingredients, and neither of us have a tire swing anymore. However, we find ourselves learning what to do with the rain of circumstances and the flowers, grass, and dirt of our skills to make a pleasing meal for our Lord. And though we're not perfect, we attempt to do so with the same childlike enthusiasm for rainy days.
We’re Danae Fonseca and Darcy Anderson, and you can likely tell from the pictures floating around our blog that we’re sisters.
Like many sisters, we share plenty of similarities. Most importantly, we are sisters in Christ. We are both teachers by degree. We both love spending time with family. We are both coffee-, dog-, nature-, book- lovers. We both enjoy being creative.
But these many similarities translate differently in relation to our circumstances.

Of the many things we enjoy doing together, one of our favorites is chatting about life. Sharing with each other the joys and challenges. Rejoicing together over personal victories. Challenging each other towards godliness. Part of the joy of our relationship as sisters is to contemplate the way our gifts, preferences, or desires apply to our contrasting lives.
Several months ago we were inspired to open up our conversations to others—to let you listen in as we learn together, goof together, and reminisce together. Our hope is to encourage our readers to find joy in the adventure God has set for each of us individually by discussing how our different perspectives approach a common subject.
We hope you’ll join us!